Friday, October 31, 2014

Travelling alone

One week travelling 'alone' (people I talked with for more than half an hour):
- Adnan kurdish taxi driver, most friendly person ever
- Mauritz a recently graduated german who lives a confident life
- Mathias east berliner, taught me what is east germany nowadays
- Barbara, german, retired after 5 years at the e.u. representation in tokyo and goes back to berlin by land (by bus and train) but with a red brompton!
- uzbek young software engineer lives in bishkek (kyrguizstan), likes good restaurants and PHP (programming language)
- kirguiz Munir business man has been to europe and is super kind when he talks
- quebecoise Pascale volunteers in the mountains of kirguizstan and later in kenya
- "70 years old looking" belgium guy who travels solo, speaks 6 languages and has obviously attained nirvana long ago (most inspiring breakfast ever)
- swiss girl travels solo, wears hijab and will soon marry a man from paskitan! "I am a trombonist!"
- Momo 19 yearold german did the transiberian with 199 other scouts and is going back by land on her own: "she didnt know who hitler was!" (about her taiwaness friend)
- tshgo (or something similar) japanese constantly laughing and very ironic "i love the american culture with that rationality and stuff"
- uzbek (forgot his name) is very serious but tries to get me a bike
- italian antropologists is around to study the coton industry in iznekistan #forcedlabour
- iranian embasssy clerk, needs to be on this list because he is pure class, just like what I believe iran will be!

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